Strik & Drik

Nørklecafé på Maribo Bibliotek
14:00 - 16:00
Standard: Gratis
Maribo Bibliotek

Østre Landevej 33
4930 Maribo

Kom til nørklecafé på biblioteket i anledningen af UGE17. Hvad end du er garvet eller nybegynder, strikker, hækler, quilter, knipler, broderer eller noget helt andet, så er du hjerteligt velkommen til at deltage og nørkle med andre nørklere. Vi sørger for lidt at drikke og spise, hvis du sørger for at medbringe dit nørkleprojekt. Alle er velkomne til at deltage!  

Det er gratis at deltage, vi ser gerne, at I bestiller billet af hensyn til forplejning. 

In English

Icon Description

Join us at Maribo Library for an afternoon in pleasant company of fellow knitters and friends. Whether you crochet, knit, do embroidery, something completely different, is an expert or not you are very welcome at the knitting café. The library will provide some drinks and snacks, all you must bring is your latest project. Bring a friend or come as you are - everyone is invited!

It is completely free to participate, but please book at ticket, so we know how many snacks to bring. This event is part of WEEK17, a week where your local library is buzzing with activity. A week where we in community and collaboration learn about UN’s 17 sustainable development goals and how we can maintain a good quality of life and still be sustainable.